
A-Shell installation files and programs are available in various versions, as shown on this page. You may download any of the files found here, whether for the purpose of evaluating, purchasing or updating.

A-Shell is always available in two forms or versions: the developers’ version, which includes all changes to A-Shell up to the present moment, and the stable version, which was released some time in the past and has not undergone any significant changes since being initially released. Some firms prefer to have the latest features and capabilities along with a little (and very slight) risk, others prefer to do without new features so as to avoid risk.

Documentation for the historical versions can be found on their respective download pages. Current documentation for A-Shell and all related modules can be found on the documentation page.

Information on A-Shell’s SOSLIB and EXLIB can be found on the page of that name.

The current version, available after January 1, 2024, is A-Shell 7.1, and it contains all recent changes and improvements to A-Shell. MicroSabio recommends this version to all users and developers in all situations, including new, potential and trial users of A-Shell. 

A-Shell 7.0 is the current stable version of A-Shell. This is recommended for existing users of A-Shell who value stability and risk avoidance over the latest features and improvements. It was finalized in November 2023 and updates beyond that point are only minor bug fixes.

The following older versions of A-Shell remain available, but only for historical purposes or extraordinary circumstances. All new downloads and installations of A-Shell should be of the current stable version, 7.0.

Ancient versions of A-Shell—those before 6.0—are available if needed. Please contact MicroSabio for further information.


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