A-Shell includes many sample programs, common routines and mappings, contributed programs and miscellaneous files that are “community property”–i.e., they are un-owned and unlicensed parts of A-Shell that developers may use and/or contribute.


The A-Shell Shared Open Source Library (“SOSLIB”) is a collection of common definitions and useful routines. It includes the A-Shell core collection of map, structure, and symbol definitions (ASHINC:, [907,16]), common utility functions (SOSFUNC:, [907,10]), and many useful SBX modules. The library is maintained in an online repository where you can obtain details and downloads. All A-Shell developers are encouraged to visit the repository frequently to browse available routines, obtain the latest updates, and contribute to A-Shell’s improvement via bug reports, suggestions, etc.

SOSLIB home page


The A-Shell Example Library (“EXLIB”) is a collection of mostly small standalone example programs designed to illustrate or test particular A-Shell features. They are organized into PPNs in the [908,*] range, with each PPN focusing on a particular area. The library is maintained in an online repository where you can access and view individual files or download the entire set.

EXLIB home page

For download and update information, refer to the SOSLIB and EXLIB topic in the A-Shell Reference.

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